Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

to get behind

  • 1 to get behind

    to get behind
    ficar atrás, atrasar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to get behind

  • 2 get

    past tense - got; verb
    1) (to receive or obtain: I got a letter this morning.) receber
    2) (to bring or buy: Please get me some food.) arranjar
    3) (to (manage to) move, go, take, put etc: He couldn't get across the river; I got the book down from the shelf.) tirar
    4) (to cause to be in a certain condition etc: You'll get me into trouble.) pôr
    5) (to become: You're getting old.) ficar
    6) (to persuade: I'll try to get him to go.) convencer
    7) (to arrive: When did they get home?) chegar
    8) (to succeed (in doing) or to happen (to do) something: I'll soon get to know the neighbours; I got the book read last night.) conseguir
    9) (to catch (a disease etc): She got measles last week.) apanhar
    10) (to catch (someone): The police will soon get the thief.) apanhar
    11) (to understand: I didn't get the point of his story.) compreender
    - get-together
    - get-up
    - be getting on for
    - get about
    - get across
    - get after
    - get ahead
    - get along
    - get around
    - get around to
    - get at
    - get away
    - get away with
    - get back
    - get by
    - get down
    - get down to
    - get in
    - get into
    - get nowhere
    - get off
    - get on
    - get on at
    - get out
    - get out of
    - get over
    - get round
    - get around to
    - get round to
    - get there
    - get through
    - get together
    - get up
    - get up to
    * * *
    [get] n cria, gets filhotes. • vt+vi (ps got pp got, Amer gotten) 1 receber, obter, ganhar, alcançar. 2 ficar, tornar-se, vir a ser. they got to be friends / eles ficaram amigos. 3 aprender, decorar. 4 adquirir, contrair, apanhar, pegar. 5 suceder, conseguir. he got there / ele chegou lá (conseguiu o seu intento). 6 buscar, pegar, arranjar, procurar, transportar, levar, trazer. 7 tomar, comer. get your breakfast! / tome seu café da manhã! 8 induzir, persuadir, convencer. you must get him to do it / você tem que convencê-lo a fazer isso. 9 causar, motivar. 10 mandar, mandar fazer, providenciar. 11 criar, dar à luz. 12 mover, trazer, tirar. 13 coll ser obrigado a, ter de. 14 chegar, vir, ir, partir, alcançar. he got as far as Rio de Janeiro / ele chegou até o Rio de Janeiro. 15 sl bater, surrar, matar. 16 compreender, entender. do you get me? / você me compreende? now I get it / agora entendi. 17 ter, possuir. 18 engendrar, procriar. 19 coll ser bem-sucedido. 20 coll levar a melhor. 21 achar. 22 pegar, colher, surpreender. 23 comover. 24 Amer sl assassinar. 25 tratar de, encarregar-se de. 26 irritar, confundir. don’t let it get you! Amer coll não se deixe dominar. get a move on! vá para frente! avante! get going! vamos!, ande! get you gone! saia! he gets on my nerves ele deixa-me nervoso. he got better ele melhorou. he got her with child coll ele a engravidou. he got his face slapped ele recebeu uma bofetada. he got the idea into his head ele está com esta idéia na cabeça. I get your number eu tenho a sua ficha, eu te conheço. I got it quite right acertei isto bem. I got out of bed on the wrong side saí da cama com o pé esquerdo. I got to hear fiquei sabendo, soube. I have got you agora o peguei. I must get ready preciso me aprontar. it’s getting on for 12 são quase 12 horas. she’s getting her nails done ela está fazendo as unhas (com uma manicure). the ship got clear of the harbour o navio saiu do porto. they get things done eles resolvem tudo. they got married eles se casaram. they got talking eles entabularam conversa. to get about 1 viajar. he gets about a lot / ele viaja muito. 2 espalhar (boatos, informações, notícias), circular. the rumor gets about / o boato está circulando. 3 ter relações sexuais com diferentes pessoas. to get above someone estar cheio de si. to get across comunicar muito bem, fazer compreender. to get ahead prosperar, progredir. to get along 1 dar-se bem com alguém. he is not easy to get along with / não é fácil lidar com ele. 2 sair-se, progredir, passar bem. how’s your son getting along at university? / como o seu filho está se saindo na universidade? 3 continuar a fazer algo que você estava fazendo. I can’t stop to talk to you because I really must get along / não posso parar para falar com você porque eu realmente tenho que ir andando. to get around 1 viajar. 2 espalhar, circular (boatos, informações, notícias). 3 persuadir alguém. 4 lidar com um problema (geralmente evitando-o). to get at 1 alcançar. you’ll need a ladder to get at the top shelf / você precisará de uma escada para alcançar a prateleira de cima. 2 criticar. why do you always get at your wife? / por que você sempre critica sua esposa? 3 querer dizer, significar. what are you trying to get at? / o que você está querendo dizer? 4 começar. 5 ofender verbalmente. 6 influenciar por meio de ameaças, persuadir. can you get at him? / você pode persuadi-lo?, suborná-lo? 7 descobrir a verdade. to get away 1 escapar, fugir. the thieves got away / os ladrões escaparam. 2 partir, sair. I could get away after the meeting / consegui sair depois da reunião. 3 sair de férias. she’ll get away next week / ela sairá de férias na próxima semana. 4 imperativ saia!, fora! 5 interj não diga!, impossível! to get away with 1 não ser punido ou pego por ter feito algo, sair impune. you can’t get away with that / você vai pagar por isso. 2 fazer algo mesmo que "não seja a melhor opção". to get away with murder Amer sl sair impune. to get back 1 voltar (para um lugar). 2 refazer ou voltar a falar de um assunto novamente. 3 ter, receber de volta. to get back at vingar-se de. to get back to telefonar novamente mais tarde. to get behind ficar atrás, atrasar. to get by conseguir sobreviver, Braz coll virar-se, arranjar-se, passar. I don’t know how she can get by with her salary / não sei como ela consegue sobreviver (se virar) com o salário. to get by heart aprender de cor. to get change receber troco. to get clear esclarecer, ficar solto. to get down 1 ficar infeliz e cansado. the job is getting him down / o trabalho está acabando com ele. 2 anotar. 3 engolir. to get down to começar a fazer, Braz coll colocar a mão na massa. let’s get down to business / vamos tratar do assunto. to get dressed vestir-se. to get drunk embriagar-se. to get forward progredir, avançar, apressar um trabalho. to get home chegar em casa. to get hungy ficar com fome. to get in 1 conseguir entrar. 2 ser eleito. 3 chegar em casa. 4 coletar, juntar. 5 mandar chamar. 6 conseguir fazer. to get in on fazer parte de, ajuntar-se a. can’t I get in on it, too? / não poderei tomar parte nisso também? to get interested in Com ficar interessado, ficar sócio. to get into debt fazer dívidas. to get into huddle mexericar, bisbilhotar, caluniar. to get into the habit of swearing adquirir o hábito de praguejar. to get in with fazer amizade. I got in bad with him / fiquei de mal com ele. to get it on or off with 1 ter relações sexuais com. 2 ficar sob o efeito de drogas. to get late ficar tarde. to get off 1 escapar. 2 ir, começar uma viagem. 3 fazer dormir, cair no sono. 4 aprender, memorizar. 5 ter um orgasmo. 6 começar a sair com alguém. I got off with him / comecei a namorá-lo. 7 terminar o trabalho, sair do trabalho. 8 descer, sair (meio de transporte). I got off from the bus / desci do ônibus. to get off the fence coll descer do muro, tomar um partido. to get on 1 proceder, avançar. 2 prosperar, progredir. he is getting on in life / ele está progredindo na vida. 3 concordar, associar-se harmoniosamente. 4 conseguir. 5 dar-se bem com. he gets on with her / ele se dá bem com ela. 6 continuar a fazer. 7 vestir-se. he got on his clothes / ele vestiu-se. to get oneself together começar a controlar a vida, as emoções. to get out 1 escapar. 2 ajudar alguém a escapar. 3 divulgar, soltar um segredo. I got it out of him / arranquei o segredo dele. 4 publicar. to get out of 1 livrar-se de. how can we get out of this? / como é que vamos sair dessa? 2 ter prazer ou graça. what can young people get out of listening to that kind of music? / que prazer os jovens têm em escutar aquele tipo de música? 3 persuadir alguém para ter algo em troca, Braz coll ganhar. what do I get out of it? / o que ganho com isso? to get over 1 recuperar-se, restabelecer-se de. she got over her sorrow / ela se recuperou do sofrimento. 2 impressionar-se. 3 lidar com os problemas e resolvê-los. 4 comunicar-se. to get rid of someone livrar-se de alguém. to get round 1 soltar uma informação, boato, notícia. 2 resolver um problema tentando evitá-lo. 3 persuadir. to get round to conseguir fazer. to get the best of it vencer, levar vantagem. to get the fire under dominar o incêndio. to get the hang of chegar a entender, perceber o truque. to get the worst of it ser derrotado ou aniquilado, levar a pior. to get through 1 terminar. 2 chegar a um destino. 3 receber aprovação. 4 conectar, transferir (telefone), conseguir falar. I got through to him / eu consegui falar com ele. 5 comunicar-se. 6 gastar, esbanjar dinheiro. 7 passar em um exame, teste. to get tired ficar cansado. to get to alcançar, chegar, começar. I got to London / cheguei a Londres. to get together 1 encontrar com alguém. 2 namorar. 3 juntar, reunir, chegar a um acordo. I must get the facts together / tenho de reunir os fatos. to get under subjugar, controlar. to get up 1 levantar da cama, levantar-se. 2 organizar, preparar algo. they are getting up a party / eles estão preparando uma festa. to get up speed/ steam começar a viajar mais rápido. to get up to tramar. to get warm ficar quente. to get wind tornar-se público, recobrar fôlego. to get wind of receber informações sobre. to have got ter. to have got to ter de. you’ll get it (hot)! espere!, você vai apanhar! you’ve got me there não sei a resposta para a sua pergunta, Braz coll você me pegou.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > get

  • 3 back

    [bæk] 1. noun
    1) (in man, the part of the body from the neck to the bottom of the spine: She lay on her back.) costas
    2) (in animals, the upper part of the body: She put the saddle on the horse's back.) dorso
    3) (that part of anything opposite to or furthest from the front: the back of the house; She sat at the back of the hall.) traseiras
    4) (in football, hockey etc a player who plays behind the forwards.) defesa
    2. adjective
    (of or at the back: the back door.) traseiro
    3. adverb
    1) (to, or at, the place or person from which a person or thing came: I went back to the shop; He gave the car back to its owner.) de volta
    2) (away (from something); not near (something): Move back! Let the ambulance get to the injured man; Keep back from me or I'll hit you!) para trás
    3) (towards the back (of something): Sit back in your chair.) para trás
    4) (in return; in response to: When the teacher is scolding you, don't answer back.) de volta
    5) (to, or in, the past: Think back to your childhood.) para trás
    4. verb
    1) (to (cause to) move backwards: He backed (his car) out of the garage.) recuar
    2) (to help or support: Will you back me against the others?) apoiar
    3) (to bet or gamble on: I backed your horse to win.) apostar
    - backbite
    - backbiting
    - backbone
    - backbreaking
    - backdate
    - backfire
    - background
    - backhand
    5. adverb
    (using backhand: She played the stroke backhand; She writes backhand.) obliquamente
    - back-number
    - backpack
    - backpacking: go backpacking
    - backpacker
    - backside
    - backslash
    - backstroke
    - backup
    - backwash
    - backwater
    - backyard
    - back down
    - back of
    - back on to
    - back out
    - back up
    - have one's back to the wall
    - put someone's back up
    - take a back seat
    * * *
    [bæk] n 1 dorso, costas. I have the care for his children on my back / tenho em meus ombros a preocupação de cuidar de suas crianças. she turned her back on him / ela virou as costas para ele. 2 qualquer parte de vestuário que cubra as costas. 3 lombo, dorso (de animais). 4 espinha dorsal. 5 parte traseira, lado ou face posterior, verso. 6 espaldar, encosto de cadeira ou poltrona. 7 parte menos usada, costas da mão. 8 Ftb zagueiro. 9 quilha de navio. 10 suporte, apoio. 11 lombada (de livro). 12 avesso (de tecido). • vt 1 (geralmente back up) suportar, ajudar, auxiliar, emprestar apoio moral. 2 mover(-se) para trás. 3 endossar, apoiar. he backed a cheque / ele endossou um cheque. 4 apostar em. 5 montar, subir às costas. 6 prover de encosto, servir de dorso. 7 impelir ou forçar para trás. 8 prosseguir escrevendo no verso. 9 mover-se à esquerda (em relação à bússola). 10 formar um fundo para. 11 servir de fundo a. 12 coll carregar às costas. • vi recuar, retroceder, refluir. • adj 1 posterior, de trás, traseiro. 2 remoto, retirado. 3 passado, atrasado. 4 vencido. 5 Amer em região distante ou fronteiriça. 6 Phon gutural, velar. • adv 1 para trás, atrás. he sat back in his chair / ele reclinou-se na sua cadeira. 2 no passado. I can look back fifty years / posso olhar para trás cinqüenta anos. 3 de volta. I shall be back soon / estarei de volta logo. 4 em retorno ou devolução. 5 para o lugar de origem. 6 em reserva. 7 anteriormente. at the back of the house, Amer back of the house atrás da casa. back and belly coll vestuário e alimentação. back and forth para a frente e para trás. back her! Naut para trás! back of Amer coll atrás de, em auxílio de, em suporte de. back of a knife costas de uma faca. back of the hand costas da mão. back to back costas com costas. behind my back nas minhas costas. come back! volte!, Amer venha para trás! do not answer back! não responda! for years back Amer desde anos, há anos. go there and come back vá até lá e volte. half-back Ftb médio, sl alfo. he lay on his back for three years ele ficou de cama durante três anos. he was at my back ele estava atrás de mim, ele me defendeu, ele me apoiou. he went back from his promise ele fugiu à sua promessa. I broke my back to get what I have passei pelo pior para conseguiur o que eu tenho. I got, put his back up provoquei-o. on one’s back sl deitado de costas, indefeso, impotente, sem dinheiro, pronto. on the back of that além disso. the Backs (Cambridge) fundos, lugar de estacionamento na universidade. to back away Amer ceder. to back down abandonar, desistir, retirar-se. to back on to dar para (quartos, janelas). to back out retirar-se, desistir de um empreendimento, quebrar uma promessa. to back sails pôr sobre (as velas). to back up mover-se para trás, dar marcha-à-ré, suportar, auxiliar. to be cast on one’s back fig sofrer derrota. to cast behind the back esquecer, perdoar. to pay back devolver, repor, pagar de volta. to see the back of desembaraçar-se de, livrar-se de, ver pelas costas.
    [bæk] n cuba, tina, alguidar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > back

  • 4 hook

    [huk] 1. noun
    1) (a small piece of metal shaped like a J fixed at the end of a fishing-line used for catching fish etc: a fish-hook.) anzol
    2) (a bent piece of metal etc used for hanging coats, cups etc on, or a smaller one sewn on to a garment, for fastening it: Hang your jacket on that hook behind the door; hooks and eyes.) gancho
    3) (in boxing, a kind of punch with the elbow bent: a left hook.) soco
    2. verb
    1) (to catch (a fish etc) with a hook: He hooked a large salmon.) fisgar
    2) (to fasten or to be fastened by a hook or hooks: He hooked the ladder on (to the branch); This bit hooks on to that bit; Could you hook my dress up down the back?) enganchar
    3) (in golf, to hit (the ball) far to the left of where it should be (or to the right if one is left-handed).) desvio
    - by hook or by crook
    - off the hook
    * * *
    [huk] n 1 gancho. 2 anzol. 3 farpa. 4 armadilha, laço. 5 curva fechada. 6 Geogr cabo, promontório. 7 Sport golpe no jogo de boxe. 8 foice. 9 sl ladrão. 10 Mus frase melódica repetitiva facilmente reconhecida, usada em músicas populares. • vt+vi 1 enganchar, ferrar, prender. 2 dependurar. 3 pescar, fisgar. 4 curvar, estar curvado. 5 coll roubar, surrupiar. by hook or by crook de qualquer maneira. crochet hook agulha de crochê. on my own hook por conta própria. reaping hook foice, alfanje. she hooked him sl ela o fisgou. to get off the hook sair de uma situação difícil e perigosa. to get someone off the hook ajudar alguém a sair de uma situação difícil. to get the hook ser despedido. to hook in enganchar. to hook it fugir. to hook up Electr conectar um computador em outro equipamento similar. to let someone off the hook ajudar alguém a sair de uma situação difícil. to take the phone off the hook tirar o telefone do gancho.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hook

  • 5 catch

    [kæ ] 1. past tense, past participle - caught; verb
    1) (to stop and hold (something which is moving); to capture: He caught the cricket ball; The cat caught a mouse; Did you catch any fish?; I tried to catch his attention.) apanhar
    2) (to be in time for, or get on (a train, bus etc): I'll have to catch the 9.45 (train) to London.) apanhar
    3) (to surprise (someone) in the act of: I caught him stealing (my vegetables).) apanhar
    4) (to become infected with (a disease or illness): He caught flu.) apanhar
    5) (to (cause to) become accidentally attached or held: The child caught her fingers in the car door.) entalar
    6) (to hit: The punch caught him on the chin.) atingir
    7) (to manage to hear: Did you catch what she said?) apanhar
    8) (to start burning: I dropped a match on the pile of wood and it caught (fire) immediately.) pegar fogo
    2. noun
    1) (an act of catching: He took a fine catch behind the wicket.) apanha
    2) (a small device for holding (a door etc) in place: The catch on my suitcase is broken.) fecho
    3) (the total amount (of eg fish) caught: the largest catch of mackerel this year.) pescaria
    4) (a trick or problem: There's a catch in this question.) ardil
    - catchy
    - catch-phrase
    - catch-word
    - catch someone's eye
    - catch on
    - catch out
    - catch up
    * * *
    [kætʃ] n 1 ato de apanhar ou prender, pega. 2 presa boa. 3 captura, tomadia. 4 pesca, pescaria, safra de peixe. 5 jogador que apanha a bola. 6 jogo de apanhar a bola. 7 vantagem, proveito. 8 coisa destinada a chamar a atenção. 9 chamariz, engodo. 10 armadilha, cilada, enredo. 11 coll bom partido. 12 Hist, Mus canção em forma de cânon. 13 lingüeta, taramela. 14 Tech detentor. 15 fragmento, pedacinho. 16 dificuldade, embaraço. • vt+vi (ps and pp caught) 1 deitar a mão a, apanhar, pegar, agarrar, tomar. 2 captar, capturar. I have caught his accent / adquiri a sua pronúncia. 3 alcançar, pegar, tomar (trem). 4 conter, prender (respiração). he caught his breath / ele prendeu a respiração. 5 apreender. 6 superar, bater. 7 compreender, perceber, escutar, entender. I did not quite catch what you said / não compreendi bem o que você disse. 8 pegar de surpresa, surpreender. we were caught in the rain / fomos surpreendidos pela chuva. 9 contrair, ser contagioso, pegar (doença). I have caught a cold / apanhei resfriado. 10 enredar-se, prender-se, enganchar-se. 11 cativar, fascinar. 12 atrair (atenção). 13 iludir, enganar. • adj 1 atraente, cativante. 2 enganoso. 3 que chama a atenção. a "Catch-22" situation situação sem saída, sem solução. a great catch um bom partido, um homem desejado. catch me doing this! nunca farei isso! he caught him one sl ele lhe pregou uma. there is a catch to it há um problema, entrave. to catch a nap tirar uma soneca. to catch at esforçar-se por agarrar. to catch fire pegar fogo. to catch hold of apoderar-se de, agarrar-se a. to catch it levar um pito, ser ralhado, apanhar. to catch on 1 Amer coll compreender. 2 Amer tornar-se popular, ser largamente usado ou aprovado. to catch one in a lie apanhar alguém numa mentira. to catch one’s fancy encantar, cativar, agradar. to catch sight, to catch a glimpse ver de repente, notar repentinamente. to catch someone redhanded sl pegar alguém em flagrante. to catch the truth descobrir a verdade. to catch up 1 apanhar, levantar rápida ou avidamente. 2 alcançar, superar. 3 Amer criticar, apartear. to catch up with alcançar, emparelhar-se, não ficar para trás. you will catch your death of cold você vai acabar mal de resfriado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > catch

  • 6 deposit

    [di'pozit] 1. verb
    1) (to put or set down: She deposited her shopping-basket in the kitchen.) pousar
    2) (to put in for safe keeping: He deposited the money in the bank.) depositar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of putting money in a bank etc: She made several large deposits at the bank during that month.) depósito
    2) (an act of paying money as a guarantee that money which is or will be owed will be paid: We have put down a deposit on a house in the country.) depósito
    3) (the money put into a bank or paid as a guarantee in this way: We decided we could not afford to go on holiday and managed to get back the deposit which we had paid.) depósito
    4) (a quantity of solid matter that has settled at the bottom of a liquid, or is left behind by a liquid: The flood-water left a yellow deposit over everything.) depósito
    5) (a layer (of coal, iron etc) occurring naturally in rock: rich deposits of iron ore.) depósito
    * * *
    [dip'ɔzit] n 1 depósito, coisa depositada, dinheiro depositado num banco. 2 penhor, adiantamento de dinheiro, garantia de pagamento, dinheiro de sinal, fiança. 3 sedimento, substâncias que se depositam no fundo de um líquido, incrustação na caldeira. 4 Geol depósito, reunião estratificada de matérias transportadas ou solidificadas, jazida. • vt+vi 1 depositar, pôr em depósito, guardar em lugar seguro, dar a guardar temporariamente. 2 precipitar, sedimentar, assentar, formar depósito. on deposit confiado aos cuidados de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > deposit

  • 7 disarm

    1) (to take away weapons from: He crept up from behind and managed to disarm the gunman.) desarmar
    2) (to get rid of weapons of war: Not until peace was made did the victors consider it safe to disarm.) depor as armas
    3) (to make less hostile; to charm.) desarmar
    - disarming
    - disarmingly
    * * *
    [dis'a:m] vt+vi 1 desarmar, tirar o armamento, privar de armas, depor armas, desmantelar, desmilitarizar. 2 abrandar, aplacar, acalmar, mitigar, ceder. 3 baldar, frustrar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > disarm

  • 8 door

    1) (the usually hinged barrier, usually of wood, which closes the entrance of a room, house etc: He knocked loudly on the door.) porta
    2) (a means of achieving something: the door to success.) caminho
    - doorman
    - doormat
    - doorstep
    - doorway
    - on one's doorstep
    * * *
    [dɔ:] n 1 porta, entrada, saída, acesso. 2 fig casa, aposento, edifício. 3 fig começo. 4 fig pistolão, meio de obter algo. accordion door porta sanfonada. back door porta traseira. behind closed doors a portas fechadas. entrance door porta de frente. folding door porta de dois batentes. from door to door de porta em porta. front door porta da frente. he laid it at my door ele deitou a culpa em mim. in doors em casa, dentro da casa, para dentro da casa. next door a casa ao lado, a porta do lado. next door to perto de, adjacente, pertinho. out of doors, outdoors 1 fora de casa, ao ar livre. 2 fig abolido, suprimido, posto de lado. revolviny door porta giratória. sliding door porta corrediça, porta de correr. the blame lies at your door a culpa é sua. to get in by the back door conseguir algo por meios ilícitos, entrar por baixo do pano. to leave the door open deixar uma porta aberta, permitir uma possibilidade. to show someone to the door acompanhar polidamente até à porta. to show the door, to turn a person out of doors pôr alguém na rua. to shut/ close the door to/on impedir o entendimento, tornar imposssível. to shut/slam the door in someone’s face bater com a porta na cara, não prestar ajuda, não socorrer, não atender a pedido. to turn from the door não permitir a entrada, mandar embora um mendigo, um pedinte. within doors = link=in%20doors in doors.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > door

  • 9 drop

    [drop] 1. noun
    1) (a small round or pear-shaped blob of liquid, usually falling: a drop of rain.) gota
    2) (a small quantity (of liquid): If you want more wine, there's a drop left.) gota
    3) (an act of falling: a drop in temperature.) queda
    4) (a vertical descent: From the top of the mountain there was a sheer drop of a thousand feet.) queda
    2. verb
    1) (to let fall, usually accidentally: She dropped a box of pins all over the floor.) deixar cair
    2) (to fall: The coin dropped through the grating; The cat dropped on to its paws.) cair
    3) (to give up (a friend, a habit etc): I think she's dropped the idea of going to London.) abandonar
    4) (to set down from a car etc: The bus dropped me at the end of the road.) deixar
    5) (to say or write in an informal and casual manner: I'll drop her a note.) escrever
    - droppings
    - drop-out
    - drop a brick / drop a clanger
    - drop back
    - drop by
    - drop in
    - drop off
    - drop out
    * * *
    [drɔp] n 1 gota, pingo. 2 qualquer coisa que tem forma de gota. 3 pendente, brinco, penduricalho, pingente, berloque. 4 pano de teatro. 5 queda, declive, descida, declínio. 6 dose, gole, trago. 7 partezinha, porção ínfima, bocado, pequena quantidade de líquido ou de qualquer outra coisa. 8 altura entre dois níveis, desnível. 9 descida de pára-quedas. 10 Amer ponto central de distribuição. 11 fenda por onde se colocam cartas, etc. 12 n pl gotas medicinais. 13 n pl várias espécies de balas confeitadas ou pastilhas. • vt+vi (ps, pp dropped) 1 pingar, gotejar, cair ou deixar cair gota a gota, destilar. 2 deixar cair alguma coisa, cair, pôr, colocar, deixar cair repentinamente. 3 desprender-se, soltar. 4 diminuir, baixar. 5 descer, deixar descer dum carro, etc. 6 renunciar a, desistir de, deixar, descontinuar, pôr fim a, largar, suspender, cessar, acalmar (o vento). 7 deixar escapar uma palavra, insinuar de passagem. 8 cair, chegar inesperadamente, entrar ou visitar casualmente. 9 escrever umas linhas. 10 coll perder. 11 perder terreno, recuar. 12 derrubar com um soco ou um tiro. 13 deixar de fora, suprimir. 14 sl consumir drogas por via oral. 15 dar cria. a drop in prices uma queda dos preços. a drop in the bucket uma gota de água no oceano. at the drop of a hat ao primeiro sinal, imediatamente. by drops gota a gota. drop dead! vá para o inferno! drop it! pare com isso! let’s drop it vamos esquecer esse assunto. to drop across encontrar por acaso. to drop a hint insinuar casualmente. to drop a line escrever umas linhas. to drop an acquaintance descontinuar o contato com alguém, cortar relações. to drop asleep cair no sono, adormecer. to drop astern Naut ir para trás, ficar para trás a fim de dar passagem a outro navio. to drop a subject mudar de assunto. to drop away afastar-se, diminuir gradualmente. to drop a word deixar escapar uma palavra. to drop behind 1 ficar atrás. 2 atrasar (pagamento). to drop bombs lançar bombas. to drop dead cair morto. to drop down Naut navegar rio abaixo. to drop everything abandonar tudo. to drop in/ over aparecer sem avisar, fazer uma visita informal. to drop into gear engrenar. to drop off 1 diminuir, cair. 2 coll partir, desaparecer. 3 adormecer. to drop out desligar-se, cair fora, deixar de freqüentar. to drop short não conseguir o seu intento. to drop the curtain descer o pano de boca. to get/ have the drop on 1 ter sob a mira do revólver. 2 levar a melhor, ficar em melhor posição. to have a drop too much ficar embriagado, beber demais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > drop

  • 10 forget

    past tense - forgot; verb
    1) (to fail to remember: He has forgotten my name.) esquecer
    2) (to leave behind accidentally: She has forgotten her handbag.) esquecer
    3) (to lose control of (oneself), act in an undignified manner: She forgot herself and criticized her boss during the company party.) perder a cabeça
    - forgetfully
    * * *
    [fəg'et] vt+vi (ps forgot, pp forgotten) 1 esquecer, deixar sair da memória, perder da lembrança, olvidar, não se lembrar de. I forgot the name / esqueci o nome. I forgot / esqueci, não me lembro mais. I forgot about it / já não sei como foi. 2 esquecer-se de, omitir, deixar por inadvertência, procurar não se lembrar, não pensar mais em, perder interesse em, tirar da memória, negligenciar, não fazer caso de, descurar, descuidar, abandonar, desprezar. you forget that you are eighty / o senhor se esquece dos seus oitenta anos. forget it! nem pense mais nisto! forget it, will you! não falemos mais nisso. never to be forgotten inesquecível. not forgetting sem se esquecer de. to forget oneself perder a cabeça, esquecer-se de si, comportar-se de modo impróprio, não pensar nos próprios interesses.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > forget

  • 11 line

    I 1. noun
    1) ((a piece of) thread, cord, rope etc: She hung the washing on the line; a fishing-rod and line.) linha
    2) (a long, narrow mark, streak or stripe: She drew straight lines across the page; a dotted/wavy line.) linha
    3) (outline or shape especially relating to length or direction: The ship had very graceful lines; A dancer uses a mirror to improve his line.) linha
    4) (a groove on the skin; a wrinkle.) ruga
    5) (a row or group of objects or persons arranged side by side or one behind the other: The children stood in a line; a line of trees.) fila
    6) (a short letter: I'll drop him a line.) duas linhas
    7) (a series or group of persons which come one after the other especially in the same family: a line of kings.) linha
    8) (a track or direction: He pointed out the line of the new road; a new line of research.) linha
    9) (the railway or a single track of the railway: Passengers must cross the line by the bridge only.) linha
    10) (a continuous system (especially of pipes, electrical or telephone cables etc) connecting one place with another: a pipeline; a line of communication; All (telephone) lines are engaged.) linha
    11) (a row of written or printed words: The letter contained only three lines; a poem of sixteen lines.) linha
    12) (a regular service of ships, aircraft etc: a shipping line.) companhia
    13) (a group or class (of goods for sale) or a field of activity, interest etc: This has been a very popular new line; Computers are not really my line.) linha
    14) (an arrangement of troops, especially when ready to fight: fighting in the front line.) linha
    2. verb
    1) (to form lines along: Crowds lined the pavement to see the Queen.) alinhar-se
    2) (to mark with lines.) delinear
    - linear - linesman
    - hard lines!
    - in line for
    - in
    - out of line with
    - line up
    - read between the lines
    II verb
    1) (to cover on the inside: She lined the box with newspaper.) forrar
    2) (to put a lining in: She lined the dress with silk.) forrar
    * * *
    [lain] n 1 linha. 2 corda. 3 arame. 4 fila, fileira. 5 alinhamento. 6 via, direção, curso, caminho. 7 equador. 8 plano, desígnio. 9 limite, fronteira. 10 série. 11 ramo de negócio. 12 bilhete, cartinha. 13 linhagem, ascendência. 14 linha, conexão telegráfica ou telefônica. 15 linha de pesca. 16 contorno. 17 ruga, vinco. 18 Mil formação em linha. 19 via férrea. a train was thrown off the line / um trem descarrilou. 20 linha de interesse. 21 Theat fala. 22 Poet verso. 23 linha de produto. 24 sl carreira (de cocaína). 25 lines certidão de casamento. 26 conversa persuasiva. • vt+vi 1 traçar linhas, riscar. 2 alinhar-se, formar em linha, formar fila, enfileirar. a hard line má sorte. all along the line em toda a parte. busy/ engaged line Teleph linha ocupada. drop me a line me escreva, dê notícias. give me a line! Teleph linha, por favor! hold the line Teleph segure a linha, não desligue. hot line linha direta. in line for prestes a. in line with de acordo com. line of conduct linha, norma, forma de vida. line of credit Com limite de crédito. line of fire Mil linha de fogo. off line desligado, desconectado. on/ along the lines of segundo, no teor de, conforme. on line ligado, em operação. the line forças regulares do exército, tropa combatente. time line linha do tempo. to draw the line estabelecer limites. to get a line on obter informações sobre. to keep in line manter em ordem, em linha. to line off demarcar. to line out esboçar. to line through riscar, cancelar. to line up a) arranjar, dispor. b) tomar o lado de. c) colocar-se em fila, em linha. to read between the lines ler nas entrelinhas. to sign on the dotted line concordar plenamente. to toe the line obedecer, aceitar.
    [lain] vt revestir, guarnecer, forrar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > line

  • 12 try

    1. verb
    1) (to attempt or make an effort (to do, get etc): He tried to answer the questions; Let's try and climb that tree!) tentar
    2) (to test; to make an experiment (with) in order to find out whether something will be successful, satisfactory etc: She tried washing her hair with a new shampoo; Try one of these sweets.) experimentar
    3) (to judge (someone or their case) in a court of law: The prisoners were tried for murder.) julgar
    4) (to test the limits of; to strain: You are trying my patience.) cansar
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt or effort: Have a try (at the exam). I'm sure you will pass.) tentativa
    2) (in rugby football, an act of putting the ball on the ground behind the opponents' goal-line: Our team scored three tries.) ensaio
    - trying
    - try on
    - try out
    * * *
    [trai] n tentativa, experiência, prova, teste. • vt+vi 1 tentar, experimentar, ensaiar, provar. he tried his hand at it / ele experimentou fazê-lo. he tried his luck at it / ele tentou a sorte nisto. we tried at this play / experimentamos este jogo. 2 investigar. 3 pôr à prova. 4 Jur interrogar, levar em juízo, processar. he was tried on a charge / ele foi processado por causa de uma denúncia. 5 atormentar, afligir, sujeitar a sofrimento ou provação. 6 esforçar, cansar, esgotar, atacar (vista). you must try harder / precisa esforçar-se mais. he tried hard for a job / ele esforçou-se para conseguir um emprego. 7 testar, aferir, acertar. a teacher of tried experience um professor experimentado. to have a try at experimentar-se em. to try for aspirar, concorrer para. to try on a) provar (roupa). b) sl chatear, tentar esgotar a paciência de alguém. to try out testar, provar. you just try! atreva-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > try

  • 13 tag along

    ( often with behind or with) (to follow or go (with someone), often when one is not wanted: We never get away from him - everywhere we go, he insists on tagging along (with us)!) andar atrás (de)

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tag along

  • 14 back

    [bæk] 1. noun
    1) (in man, the part of the body from the neck to the bottom of the spine: She lay on her back.) costas
    2) (in animals, the upper part of the body: She put the saddle on the horse's back.) lombo
    3) (that part of anything opposite to or furthest from the front: the back of the house; She sat at the back of the hall.) fundos
    4) (in football, hockey etc a player who plays behind the forwards.) defesa
    2. adjective
    (of or at the back: the back door.) dos fundos
    3. adverb
    1) (to, or at, the place or person from which a person or thing came: I went back to the shop; He gave the car back to its owner.) de volta
    2) (away (from something); not near (something): Move back! Let the ambulance get to the injured man; Keep back from me or I'll hit you!) para trás
    3) (towards the back (of something): Sit back in your chair.) para trás
    4) (in return; in response to: When the teacher is scolding you, don't answer back.) de volta
    5) (to, or in, the past: Think back to your childhood.) para trás
    4. verb
    1) (to (cause to) move backwards: He backed (his car) out of the garage.) dar marcha à ré
    2) (to help or support: Will you back me against the others?) apoiar
    3) (to bet or gamble on: I backed your horse to win.) apostar em
    - backbite - backbiting - backbone - backbreaking - backdate - backfire - background - backhand 5. adverb
    (using backhand: She played the stroke backhand; She writes backhand.) de revés
    - back-number - backpack - backpacking: go backpacking - backpacker - backside - backslash - backstroke - backup - backwash - backwater - backyard - back down - back of - back on to - back out - back up - have one's back to the wall - put someone's back up - take a back seat

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > back

  • 15 catch

    [kæ ] 1. past tense, past participle - caught; verb
    1) (to stop and hold (something which is moving); to capture: He caught the cricket ball; The cat caught a mouse; Did you catch any fish?; I tried to catch his attention.) apanhar
    2) (to be in time for, or get on (a train, bus etc): I'll have to catch the 9.45 (train) to London.) tomar, apanhar
    3) (to surprise (someone) in the act of: I caught him stealing (my vegetables).) surpreender
    4) (to become infected with (a disease or illness): He caught flu.) apanhar
    5) (to (cause to) become accidentally attached or held: The child caught her fingers in the car door.) prender
    6) (to hit: The punch caught him on the chin.) atingir, acertar
    7) (to manage to hear: Did you catch what she said?) compreender
    8) (to start burning: I dropped a match on the pile of wood and it caught (fire) immediately.) pegar (fogo)
    2. noun
    1) (an act of catching: He took a fine catch behind the wicket.) pegada
    2) (a small device for holding (a door etc) in place: The catch on my suitcase is broken.) fecho, prendedor, ferrolho
    3) (the total amount (of eg fish) caught: the largest catch of mackerel this year.) apanha
    4) (a trick or problem: There's a catch in this question.) armadilha
    - catchy - catch-phrase - catch-word - catch someone's eye - catch on - catch out - catch up

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > catch

  • 16 deposit

    [di'pozit] 1. verb
    1) (to put or set down: She deposited her shopping-basket in the kitchen.) colocar
    2) (to put in for safe keeping: He deposited the money in the bank.) depositar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of putting money in a bank etc: She made several large deposits at the bank during that month.) depósito
    2) (an act of paying money as a guarantee that money which is or will be owed will be paid: We have put down a deposit on a house in the country.) depósito, sinal
    3) (the money put into a bank or paid as a guarantee in this way: We decided we could not afford to go on holiday and managed to get back the deposit which we had paid.) depósito, sinal
    4) (a quantity of solid matter that has settled at the bottom of a liquid, or is left behind by a liquid: The flood-water left a yellow deposit over everything.) depósito
    5) (a layer (of coal, iron etc) occurring naturally in rock: rich deposits of iron ore.) jazida

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > deposit

  • 17 disarm

    1) (to take away weapons from: He crept up from behind and managed to disarm the gunman.) desarmar
    2) (to get rid of weapons of war: Not until peace was made did the victors consider it safe to disarm.) depor armas
    3) (to make less hostile; to charm.) desarmar
    - disarming - disarmingly

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > disarm

  • 18 tag along

    ( often with behind or with) (to follow or go (with someone), often when one is not wanted: We never get away from him - everywhere we go, he insists on tagging along (with us)!) seguir de perto

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > tag along

  • 19 try

    1. verb
    1) (to attempt or make an effort (to do, get etc): He tried to answer the questions; Let's try and climb that tree!) tentar
    2) (to test; to make an experiment (with) in order to find out whether something will be successful, satisfactory etc: She tried washing her hair with a new shampoo; Try one of these sweets.) experimentar
    3) (to judge (someone or their case) in a court of law: The prisoners were tried for murder.) julgar
    4) (to test the limits of; to strain: You are trying my patience.) pôr à prova
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt or effort: Have a try (at the exam). I'm sure you will pass.) tentativa
    2) (in rugby football, an act of putting the ball on the ground behind the opponents' goal-line: Our team scored three tries.) ensaio
    - trying - try on - try out

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > try

См. также в других словарях:

  • Get Behind Me Satan — Get Behind Me Satan …   Википедия

  • Get Behind Me Satan — Studioalbum von The White Stripes Veröffentlichung 2005 Label Peppermint Stripe Music Format …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Get Behind Me Satan — Álbum de The White Stripes Publicación 6 de junio de 2005 Grabación febrero de 2005 Género(s) Blues, garage, rock …   Wikipedia Español

  • Get Behind Me Satan — Album par The White Stripes Genre Rock alternatif Punk blues Critique Allmusic …   Wikipédia en Français

  • get behind someone — get behind (someone/something) to encourage or help someone or something. I can get behind a creative idea and fight for it. Etymology: based on the idea of helping something move forward by pushing it from behind …   New idioms dictionary

  • get behind something — get behind (someone/something) to encourage or help someone or something. I can get behind a creative idea and fight for it. Etymology: based on the idea of helping something move forward by pushing it from behind …   New idioms dictionary

  • get behind — (someone/something) to encourage or help someone or something. I can get behind a creative idea and fight for it. Etymology: based on the idea of helping something move forward by pushing it from behind …   New idioms dictionary

  • Get Behind Me Satan — es el quinto álbum de los White Stripes. Fue lanzado el 6 de junio de 2005 a nivel mundial y un día después en Estados Unidos. Aunque sigue teniendo una producción básica como todos sus álbumes, Get Behind Me Satan marca un cambio desde su… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Get Behind Me Satan — For the 1936 Irving Berlin song, see Get Thee Behind Me Satan. Get Behind Me Satan Studio album by The White Stripes …   Wikipedia

  • get behind — phrasal verb Word forms get behind : present tense I/you/we/they get behind he/she/it gets behind present participle getting behind past tense got behind past participle got behind 1) [intransitive] if you get behind with work or payments, you… …   English dictionary

  • get behind — verb to lag or linger behind (Freq. 1) But in so many other areas we still are dragging • Syn: ↑drag, ↑trail, ↑hang back, ↑drop behind, ↑drop back • Derivationally related forms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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